We are sad to announce that SloUltra 2020 is officially
for both the 350 km and 850 km races (30th-31st of May 2020).
We waited with this decision till the last moment but because of the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, it is not possible to organize the race. Our decision is consistent with all current public health recommendations (WHO, NIJZ). It is looking better but we still have to be careful and break as many transmission links as possible. This is for the safety of the cycling community, our families, and all other people in Slovenia and elsewhere.
We are all aware of the importance of exercise for health. We all hope that we will soon be allowed to exercise outdoors while maintaining social distancing, of course. We hope to see you at SloUltra in the Spring of 2021 under better circumstances.
Registration fees for SloUltra 2020 will be refunded. Please send your bank information to info@prijavim.se.
I feel such gratitude to all who ride our rides/races and for those who help organizing the events, giving their time and resources to make SloUltra events some of the best in the World of ultra-cycling. I’m look forward to seeing you again, cycling in our beautiful Slovenia.
Sincerely, Marko Baloh
are Slovenia's ultra cycling events created by one of the ultra-cycling legends
Marko Baloh.
The second edition of the races will be held on May 30th-31th, 2020 with Start/Finish in the capital of Slovenia, Ljubljana.
There are two options, the 350km one for the begginers to ultracycling and the 850km Challenge around Slovenia for the cyclists who want to test themselves on a hard course around Slovenia and against the best ultracyclists in the World.
Do you have what it takes to do the Ultra?
Marko Baloh je prvič s kolesom v enem kosu prekolesaril Slovenijo leta 2003 v pripravah na svoj prvi RAAM. Drugič je izziv ponovil v obratni smeri leta 2005 in naša preizkušnja SLOULTRA bo v veliki meri vodila po cestah, ki jih je že takrat izbral Marko. Trasa je izbrana tako, da boste ob kolesarjenju imeli priložnost občudovati lepote Slovenije.
Če se hočete preizkusiti na malo daljši preizkušnji kot so običajni kolesarski maratoni oz. Gran Fondo preizkušnje, je za vstop v svet ultra-kolesarstva idealna preizkušnja 350km.
Če ste že pripravljeni sodelovati na pravi ultra-kolesarski preizkušnji in se pomeriti z najboljšimi ultra-kolesarji na svetu, je SLOULTRA preizkušnja prava za vas.
Marko je osebno pripravil obe omenjeni trasi, ki vas bodo vodile po njemu ljubih kotičkih Slovenije in po cestah, ki so prebudile in še vedno ohranjajo njegovo ljubezen do kolesarstva. Obe trasi sta zahtevni in bodo od vas zahtevali odlično fizično in psihično pripravljenost.